4,000 voices, three shifts, one story

IBMCAI_videostill_cloud_mobile_social_bigdata_as_natural_resource-AVATARWithin information technology, the period between innovation and obsolescence is increasingly shrinking, and a great deal can happen over the course of a single year. To help understand that gap and its impact to business, the IBM Center for Applied Insights engaged with 3,925 people through our 2014 studies.

We’ve come up with an organizing principle from those conversations: 4,000 voices, three shifts, one story. All the interviews, opinions and responses can be channeled into what IBM views as the three major areas constituting our industry’s horizon: data, engagement and cloud. Those three shifts form the backbone of IT in 2015 and beyond. And they’re inspiring one big story of business change, providing organizations with the chance to know more and move faster. Continue reading

Cloud Gallery

The IBM Center for Applied Insights is always looking for ways to share our research in consumable and compelling ways. Below you’ll find image galleries from our Cloud thought leadership studies. Share an image you like, and be sure to bookmark the link to this gallery here–> http://wp.me/p4mqaW-ro

. Continue reading

Software as a Service is heating up industries #SaaS

Although the New York weather is cooling down, the benefits of Software as a Service are heating up. Members of the technology world know that SaaS is a hot topic – the SaaS market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 20.2% in 2012-2017, reaching US$45.6 billion by 2017.

Why are so many companies adopting SaaS?

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Pharma excels at SaaS three-legged race

Graphic courtesy of Planet WebQuest

Graphic courtesy of Planet WebQuest

As the weather warms up here in the U.S., it’s time for picnics, school fairs and field days. And you know what that means: three-legged races.

When you really think about it, a three-legged “race” is about collaboration as much as it is speed. It’s about working in unison toward a particular goal. The better you collaborate, the faster you can go.

So what do three-legged races have to do with software-as-a-service and the pharmaceutical industry?

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[Datagrams] Cloud Fuels Smarter Commerce (Infographics)

–Thanks to @IBMSaaS for creating more ways to share our research!

[Datagrams] Cloud Drives Innovation (Infographics)

[DATAGRAM] Imagine More Than Just Dragons (#ImagineDragons #SaaS)

Click for larger view

Imagine more than just dragons.  A recent study published by the IBM Center for Applied Insights found that 71% of leading organizations used SaaS to change their business model.

Learn more:

IBMCAI SaaS Study:  http://ibm.com/ibmcai/saas

@ImagineDragons Playing at IBM Impact 2014:  http://ow.ly/vMCai

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In Letterman lingo: Top ten reasons to innovate with cloud

Click for larger view

With all the buzz around David Letterman retiring, I got inspired to create my own “top ten” rendition. Drawing upon the Center’s recent research into the outcomes companies are achieving through cloud and software-as-a-service, I assembled ten reasons companies should include cloud in their innovation plans. It may not be funny like Letterman’s, but it’s packed with useful facts.

Read the list on Thoughts on cloud.