[Datagram] Product development how-to #IBMBTT

Leading companies are 2x more likely to engage academia for product development.

As part of a #TechTuesday series, we will be sharing one datagram per week from the IBM Business Tech Trends study.  These are actual data facts from the study.  And how do YOU develop products?

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[INFOGRAPHIC] Citizen Developer Trend #IBMBTT

datagram_citizen developersDid you know that 80% of leading companies, also called Pacesetters, use citizen developers?  Learn more about the IBM Business Tech Trends Study coming on August 21 and register for the announcement webcast now!

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Were we right? Revisiting industry predictions for mobile analytics

Image Credit:  IBM Watson

Image Credit: IBM Watson

A few weeks ago, our resident mobile analyst, Kelly Matthews, blogged about the IBM Watson Mobile Developer Challenge. The competition invited developers and entrepreneurs to submit ideas for mobile apps powered by IBM Watson, a breakthrough cognitive computing technology. Kelly paired her mobile expertise with the findings of our IBM Center for Applied Insights Tech Trends industry dashboard to predict which industries were likely to be represented by the Challenge finalists. She highlighted Insurance, Retail, Professional Services, Media & Entertainment, Chemicals & Petroleum, and Healthcare as front runners.

Now the 25 finalists have been announced. How did we do?  Continue reading

Which industries will win the Watson challenge?

Image Credit:  IBM Watson

Image Credit: IBM Watson

At Mobile World Congress 2014, IBM invited developers and entrepreneurs to take part in the IBM Watson Mobile Developer challenge and submit ideas for mobile apps powered by Watson, IBM’s cognitive computing breakthrough. This global competition will undoubtedly shine a light on creative innovators who dream up some amazing apps. But I’ve been thinking about the industries those apps might radically change – and, more generally, the industries most ripe for transformation through mobile analytics.

Read more on Mobile Business Insights


Make Your Infographics “Pop” with a Little Vision Science

susanne infographic quoteInformation graphics – visual representations of information, data, knowledge, or concepts – have been around for millennia, and humans have long mapped data in order to organize what they see, filter out extraneous details, reveal patterns, suggest further exploration, and ultimately better understand the world around them.

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Challenges can guide the future of enterprise application development

Within the IBM Center for Applied Insights (CAI), I’ve begun an additional research path on enterprise mobile application development. To share and solidify my thinking, I’ll be posting some insights and early observations here.

According to the latest IBM Tech Trends study involving more than 1,200 technology decision makers, 69 percent of the respondents indicated that they increased their investments in mobility during the past year. Moreover, 63% of IT buyers say applications— with an internal or external use—are their highest priority mobility projects.  Continue reading