Make the most of your data: Inspirations from Generation D

us__en_us__ibm__cai_gend__165x177A few years ago, when ConAgra Mills looked to optimize production across its mills, company executives turned to what might seem an unlikely source—the airline industry. But for ConAgra executives, the parallels were clear. An airline with empty seats loses revenue just like a mill with an empty production line. How airlines filled their seats offered ConAgra executives fresh ideas for managing capacity utilization across its mills. Continue reading

Big Data & Analytics Epiphany Cartoon Media Leader, Spain

What was your ‘AHA’ moment?  The instant you realized the value of big data & analytics.

As part of a #FridayFun series, we will be sharing one cartoon quote per week from the IBM Business Tech Trends study.  These are actual quotes from the study respondents on when they first realized the value of big data & analytics.  And what was YOUR AHA moment for big data & analytics?

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Ground rules: the role of governments in cybersecurity

CISO_avatar_governmentYou know an issue is of global importance if a major national leader emphasizes it in his most widely broadcast speech of the year. So when President Barack Obama in his recent State of the Union address mentioned the need for better cybersecurity at home and abroad, it was an indication that IT threats—and how governments handle them—are a growing area of concern. Continue reading

Big Data & Analytics Epiphany Cartoon Financial Leader, India

What was your ‘AHA’ moment?  The instant you realized the value of big data & analytics.

As part of a #FridayFun series, we will be sharing one cartoon quote per week from the IBM Business Tech Trends study.  These are actual quotes from the study respondents on when they first realized the value of big data & analytics.  And what was YOUR AHA moment for big data & analytics?

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Why security leaders love their jobs

CISO_joblove_avatar1Rather than focusing on the traditional objects of affection on Valentine’s Day, why not celebrate people who are passionate about their jobs? We’ve been talking to a lot of security leaders recently. One common refrain that has caught me off-guard in our conversations is how much they really love what they do.  Continue reading

Big Data & Analytics Epiphany Cartoon Insurance Leader, South Africa

What was your ‘AHA’ moment?  The instant you realized the value of big data & analytics.

As part of a #FridayFun series, we will be sharing one cartoon quote per week from the IBM Business Tech Trends study.  These are actual quotes from the study respondents on when they first realized the value of big data & analytics.  And what was YOUR AHA moment for big data & analytics?

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IBM Executive Interview, Susan Puglia Part 2 [P-TECH intern]

IBM-Susan Puglia

“Young people…are growing up in an environment where peer pressure to connect and share is much greater than concern about their information ending up in the wrong hands.” – Susan Puglia, IBM VP of Global University Programs

Leslieanne John, P-TECH student and IBM CAI intern, conducted a series of executive interview posts exploring topics such as the technical skills necessary for business today and preparing students for the future.  She also looked into technical skills gaps and how technology integrates with education.  In this post, she revisits her first interview with Susan Puglia, IBM Vice President of Global University Programs & Vice Chair of the IBM Academy of Technology Board of Governors, to focus on the topic of cybersecurity.

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4,000 voices, three shifts, one story

IBMCAI_videostill_cloud_mobile_social_bigdata_as_natural_resource-AVATARWithin information technology, the period between innovation and obsolescence is increasingly shrinking, and a great deal can happen over the course of a single year. To help understand that gap and its impact to business, the IBM Center for Applied Insights engaged with 3,925 people through our 2014 studies.

We’ve come up with an organizing principle from those conversations: 4,000 voices, three shifts, one story. All the interviews, opinions and responses can be channeled into what IBM views as the three major areas constituting our industry’s horizon: data, engagement and cloud. Those three shifts form the backbone of IT in 2015 and beyond. And they’re inspiring one big story of business change, providing organizations with the chance to know more and move faster. Continue reading

Big Data & Analytics Epiphany Cartoon Utilities Leader, Russia

What was your ‘AHA’ moment?  The instant you realized the value of big data & analytics.

As part of a #FridayFun series, we will be sharing one cartoon quote per week from the IBM Business Tech Trends study.  These are actual quotes from the study respondents on when they first realized the value of big data & analytics.  And what was YOUR AHA moment for big data & analytics?

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IBM Executive Interview, Colleen Arnold [P-TECH intern]

Colleen Arnold, Sr VP, IBM Sales and Distribution (Image credit: IBM)

[To deliver an exceptional client experience], “you have to LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN!” – Colleen Arnold, SVP IBM Sales & Distribution

January is National Mentoring Month. While there are many definitions and meanings for the word “mentor”, at the core, a mentor is a trusted advisor. This summer, I had the opportunity to mentor Leslieanne John, a star student at Pathways in Technology Early College High School, as she navigated the corporate world for the first time. As an intern, her project was to interview top executives at IBM about their career paths, views on technology, and their advice for young people starting in the technology world. Her sixth interview was with Colleen Arnold, who is not only Senior Vice President of IBM Sales and Distribution, but also a mentor to over one hundred IBMers. Colleen has a strong commitment to mentoring and somehow finds the time to schedule mentoring sessions into her insanely busy days. The act of mentoring seems to energize her, enabling Colleen to tackle her daily challenges with an incredible amount of passion and excitement. Read the full interview with Leslieanne and Colleen below:

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